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How to Get Rid of Birds – A detailed guide

Birds are a pretty sight when seen in the air, but they are definitely a pest when they perch upon your rooftop and windows and destroy the integrity of your building because of their droppings. In rural areas, they are mostly found on mills, storage houses, and farms. In cities, they are found on bridges, parks, and on top of buildings.

Not to mention, they usually come in flocks that will try to steal any openly-exposed food that they may see. Even worse, they may even start to settle atop or near your building, building their nests out of scraps that they see near it. All of these factors, along with the unsightly view of their droppings contribute to them being pests.

Named by some as “rats with wings”, they are notorious for stealing food and eating garbage much like their land counterparts. They are attracted to food that are readily available, with them swooping easily and escaping when disturbed. Aside from this, they are also notorious for causing damage to structural integrity due to the destructive nature of their droppings. They are considered pests both in rural and urban areas.

Bird habitats

Birds have adapted well to the urban setting. This is why big cities can still be infested with them, even with the scarcity of trees and a thriving ecosystem. Instead of canopies from which they will lay their nest on, they now instead choose to live on top of buildings and structures, often becoming pests for the owners of the places.

Because of their new natural habitat, they have also adapted well to the presence of humans. They have, in fact, been able to be comfortable to be with humans. Most rural born ones will still be shy during human interaction, which is the opposite for urban ones. They have been accustomed to seeing humans as sources of food, which makes them unafraid to flock close to them.

Also, because of their prevalence in almost every part of an urban area, they tend to leave their droppings anywhere, which is both a big eyesore and a major inconvenience. Aside from this, their droppings are also filled with diseases if it comes in contact with humans.

Bird-related diseases

As mentioned above, their droppings can be a source of diseases for humans. Aside from this, even touching them may do the same.

The most common and dangerous out of all possible diseases is the avian flu, which as its name suggests, comes from birds. Aside from this, diseases like histoplasmosis (a respiratory disease), cryptococcosis (a disease that affects the central nervous system), and salmonella (bacteria that may travel through bird droppings).

Aside from this, wild birds also carry lice, mites, and ticks.

Common types of birds

Some of the most common types of birds includes pigeons and ducks that come in different breeds.

1. Pigeons

Pigeons are any birds that are included in the family Columbidae. There are about 310 species, which means that the common ones that people see congested in cities actually vary from each other. In rural areas, they are mostly found on mills, storage houses, and farms. In cities, they are found on bridges, parks, and on top of buildings.

Considered both as a good and a bad trait, pigeons have a remarkable memory. This enables them to be able to remember their owners, the place where they were freed from, and their sources of food. This is a good trait that was used during both World Wars to send messages and even in medieval times. This is a bad trait, however, in the modern day when their memories are used to remember homes which have available sources of food.

Pigeons are known to eat seeds, pellets, fruits, and vegetables. In urban areas, they are known to eat bread crumbs and basically any human food which they can get. If you have food sources available outside of your house, it is a good idea to cover them as to prevent these winged pests from coming in to eat them.

Types of pigeons:

2.Rock pigeons

This is the most common type of pigeon. These pigeons are characterized by their grey color. They are found in both rural and urban areas, often looking for food in both open areas and on top of buildings and structures. They are feral, which means that they should be left wild and untamed, except if you happen to a youngling orphaned or one that is injured.

3.Roller pigeons

Roller pigeons are characterized by their ability to roll or tumble while mid-air. They are produced by selective breeding. They are also the breed which are used for National Competitions, where they are judged based on speed and quality of rolls.

However extraordinary this may seem, it is actually found inhumane by some animal organizations. This is because roller pigeons are selectively bred, which means that humans are responsible for this behaviour. It is said that this practice was made only for the sake of human entertainment. In the process, the pigeons can injure themselves if they happen to fail the execution of a proper air roll. “Parlor rollers” are also bred by some, which are pigeons unable to fly and are only left to somersault in the ground, which may cause injuries.

3.Fantail pigeons

Fantail pigeons, as their names imply, are pigeons that are characterized by their fan-like tails. A mutation can also make their fan-tails a lace effect. The type of birds which exhibit this is called silky fantails. They are mostly kept as pets and ornaments.

4.Tumbler pigeons

Tumbler pigeons are differentiated in the same way that roller pigeons are which is by their ability to tumble in the air. Their difference with each other, though, is that this breed can somersault with a more controlled posture and grace.

5.Nicobar pigeons

This type of pigeons are known to be ancestors of the now-extinct Dodo bird. They are characterized by their small heads, their small necks, and their beautiful green to gray colors. Their feathers have more volume compared to other pigeons. They are mostly found in the islands of rain forests, which includes the Solomons and Palau.

6.Jacobin pigeons

These type of pigeons is another one that is known for its standout features. They can be differentiated by their feathered hoods, which gives them a majestic look. They are made through selective breeding, and owning them can come at a high cost.

7.Wood pigeons

Wood pigeons are common pigeons that can be seen alongside the rock pigeons. They are known to travel in flocks. In urban areas, they are mostly found in parks and gardens.

8.Band-tailed pigeons

These pigeons are known to be one of the largest of its type. They are also known for their mellow and low coo, which can be compared to an owl’s. They mostly reside within woodlands, which means that they only sometimes visit urban areas.

9.King birds

These type of birds are known for their proud postures and their heavy stock. Their name might be regal, but their true purpose is far from it. They are called as “utility birds”, which means that they were selectively-bred for a purpose. King birds are known to be good for squab production, meaning that they are mostly bred to be used as food later on. They are bred from four varieties, which includes the Runt (known for its large body), the Duchess (known for its grace), the Homer (known for its particular alertness), and the Maltese (known for its style).

2. Muscovy ducks

These ducks are a big problem in rural areas but are rarely seen in urban ones. They are generally unafraid of human interaction. They are pests because of their tendency to freely leave their droppings in an area. They are also known to damage the edges of lakes and ponds. When left on their own, they are usually not much of a nuisance. However, some still consider them as pests.

3. Geese

They are a nuisance because of their tendency to move in large flocks, often becoming a blockage for movement in urban areas. Aside from this, they also have the tendency to become aggressive if you happen to be near their nests. And like other birds, they also leave behind droppings everywhere.

4. Woodpeckers

These birds are not unique to forests as they also target wooden homes with good acoustics in search for food. They are especially attracted to houses that have insects inside. Aside from looking for food, they may also peck wood to let their presence be known to other birds. This is their way of claiming territory. Though it is natural to them, it may distract humans inside homes. Aside from this, their activities may also cause holes to be spread around the walls.

5. Sparrows

Just like with other birds, they also frequent areas that have openly-exposed food. However, what sets them apart is their habit of turning buildings into their homes. It is almost guaranteed that a sparrow will build a nest on structures that they always visit. Though they are not as much of an aggressive nuisance as other birds, their droppings and the trash that may come from them living on buildings may cause bacteria build-up in ventilation systems.

How do you get rid of birds?

Bird traps

Because birds can be nuisances when left to feast on the food outside of your home or in your garbage, it might be an option for some to trap them.

Remember, lethal traps for birds are illegal for some states, so make to read your local laws about wildlife conservation and allowed animal killings.

Even if it is legal in your state, it might be a better idea to simply set up devices that will only trap the pigeons instead of killing them for humane reasons.

Metal traps are the most recommended for birds.

To be able to trap the birds using metal traps, you will first need to gain their trust. If your area is frequented by these birds, you should start by setting up their food, may it be corn or grains, in the spot where you want to catch them. After doing this consecutively for about three days, you may then set up the metal trap, which can be bought online or in some shops.

Put the same type of food inside the trap and watch as flocks of these birds enter the trap. Some traps can even trap about thirty of them before shutting close.

After trapping the birds, the next possible action is to take them somewhere far and then release them. The problem, however, is that pigeons are known for having sharp memories, which can make them come back. This is when the need for pigeon repellents and fences will be needed.

Pigeon repellent

Birds are known to be repelled by the smell of garlic oil. This can simply be applied to the places where the birds often land to eat food. This is good for the earlier parts, but the problem lies with the fact that oil easily wears away. The smell of garlic may also repel insects which are beneficial for your garden.

Avian liquid repellents are also available online, which may be the solution for you. Some claim to be effective just by being spread around areas where birds frequently flock together.

Pigeon deterrents

The most popular and the easiest to set up among birds deterrents are birds spikes. These metal spikes only needs to be installed in the outer corners of a building, which is where pigeons usually land. By putting these spikes, they will be discouraged to return to your area and may look for other places for food.

Another option is to use bird decoys that make noises or have flashing eyes just to scare the birds. With the same idea as having a scarecrow, these electrically-operated decoys can scare the birds away. Some of the birds usually replicated for this effect includes owls and hawks, which are known to be predators for pigeons.

Pigeon poison

For some states, it may be legal to kill these birds, which may be why poison are sold by some. However, it is generally not recommended to use poison for any type of pests as most of them are prey to large predators. When they eat poisoned food, they will not instantly die, meaning that predators can come and eat them faster. When the latter eats the pigeons out of natural instinct, they too will die. This will damage ecological balances and the order of the food chain.

In the end, it is better to use repellents and deterrents to keep these birds away. Birds traps still gives the possibility of the pigeons returning while pigeon poison can hurt the environment and other animals.

Pigeon removal services

If you don’t think that you are skilled enough as to keep birds away, it may be better for you to call for extermination services. They will exterminate birds, make sure they stay away, and set up traps that may be used against these pests. Look for nearby exterminators online and immediately call if pigeons remain as pests in your house and property.


  • How do you keep birds away?

To keep pigeons away, bird traps, repellents, and deterrents may be effective. Bird traps, which are mostly sold as metal traps, may be effective to keep an entire flock of them and to set them free from a place far away from your home. Bird repellents like onion oil and avian repellent liquids can be used to be spread in the area where the birds frequent to keep them out. Bird deterrents like metal spikes, predator decoys, and the likes are also effective for keeping the birds away from your house.

  • How do you get rid of birds in your roof?

Birds are known to damage a building’s integrity due to the corrosive nature of their droppings, which may be a reason for you to get rid of them.

Birds on roofs can be prevented by installing spikes and putting deterrents. As mentioned earlier, metallic spikes keep birds away from roofs as they can prevent the birds from resting on top of it. Deterrents like predator decoys and garlic oil can also be used to keep them out of your roof.

  • How do you get rid of birds in barns?

Dealing with birds inside barns can be harder. This is because barns are an excellent spot for birds to hide. Because of the high places located within and their ability to instantly know hiding places inside it, birds can easily hide inside if they manage to slip through. After all, barns are a good area for exposed food, free space, and lots of material for making nests.

To keep these pests away from your barn, you must make sure that their points of entry are all blocked out. If there are holes in the walls that are necessary for ventilation, you may try covering this with wired meshes that no bird can penetrate.

In some cases when birds are unavoidable because their point of entry also serves as yours, calling for extermination services may be best for you.

  • How do you get rid of birds on the roof?

Birds are usually attracted to roofs because of the small spaces in it that can serve as a space for it to lay its nest. Roofs are also easy to reach for them and is away from human activity. This can be a huge nuisance because of the possibility of having diseases to be spread through their droppings. This may be dried, crushed, and then spread into the air, with the danger of being inhaled by humans when they enter ventilation systems. Aside from this, their droppings are also corrosive, causing roofs to become weaker as time passes. Because of this, birds that inhabit your roof must be immediately taken care of.

A good solution is to install bird spikes on top of your roof which usually does the job to make birds go away. They are not meant to kill them, rather, only to prevent them from perching atop your roof. To remove all possible sources of food for them too may be help get rid of them. If none of these work, calling for animal extermination services should be the next thing to do.

  • How do you get rid of birds on the attic?

The most common type that will most likely stay inside people’s attics is the pigeon. Pigeons enter houses through broken windows and ventilation systems. They occasionally leave to hunt for food, but will always return as long as their point of access is still available. Their presence in your attic can be noticeable by their sound, their droppings, and the abundance of trash they leave behind.

It is not a good idea to scare one away as you may just have a wild pigeon thrashing around your attic that may still stay after. Aside from this, you may also be in contact with it, causing diseases for you. The best thing to do in such a case is to call for wildlife extraction services. They are best equipped with knowledge in how to eradicate and prevent the return of these pests, along with ones.

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